Exempt Resolution N° 05

Chinook Salmon fishing has become one of the most attractive programs for sport fishermen in Chile and abroad for the satisfaction of catching the biggest and fighter fish in freshwater. It becomes exciting to have a very silvery, healthy, vigorous and very large Chinook in your hands, as big as the excitement that fishing and hoisting produces. A real beauty!

That said, dear fishermen friends, we inform you that during the 2019 – 2020 season Chinook salmon fishing will take place from October 12 to January 15, 2020 which admits the fishing without return of a maximum of 2 specimens of Chinook salmon per day per fisherman without weight limits.

Exempt Resolution No. 05 of August 22, 2019 establishes the measures in the Aysen Region. The resolution is announced by the Ministry of Economy, Development, and Tourism and Regional Directorates of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Aysen Region.